Wednesday, July 22, 2020

21 Tips from SHRM Conference Veterans

21 Tips from SHRM Conference Veterans 21 Tips from SHRM Conference Veterans #SHRM14 Check out our exclusive SHRM Orlando Guide. Get the skinny on shopping, food and travel tips for Orlando.  Click here. Dont forget to signup for our free texting service by texting SHRM to 55678 to get daily updates on the best parties and maybe even a flash party or two. You never know what will happen with Blogging4Jobs.   21 Tips from SHRM Conference Veterans #SHRM14 This year we decided to introduce something different in the world of pre-conference material for SHRM. Weve been collecting pieces of advice from SHRM attendees over the past years and were compiling them for first time or even other veterans. See what others have to say about the dos and donts when attending the SHRM Conference. Networking Dont skip the networking events youll miss out on the opportunities to network with other HR professionals from across the US and the world.    Andi Deavers,  @thegirlinhr Investigate the entertainment options and schedule networking in advance.  Michael VanDervort,  @MikeVanDervort Wear comfortable shoes (no heels!) and participate in every social event you can, even if youre shy. Annual is a lot like summer camp, the more you connect with people there, the more lifelong friends youll make.   Jennifer Hughes,  @XpertHRJenny Smile a lot. Say hi. Attend non-session events. Meet people. Make friends. Drop some knowledge. Absorb some too.    Carrie Corbin,  @thealphafemme Make it a goal to say hello to and have a conversation with someone new every day. Attend one event that is different or unusual for you just to get outside of your comfort zone.  Joan Ginsberg,  @JoanGinsberg Use the SHRM Connect platform to connect with a smaller, more specialized group of interest. For instance, small companies, HR departments of one, government contractors, etc. Thats how you build a strong network of people you can rely on over time!   Ben Eubanks,  @beneubanks Sessions Going with a group of people from your company or local SHRM chapter divide and conquer. Make a list of the sessions you want to go to or learn more about and make a plan to cover as many topics and sessions as possible.    Andi Deavers,  @thegirlinhr Use the app to organize your schedule in advance and use it religiously during the conference. Itll save so much time and headache.  Jeff Waldman,  @JeffWaldmanHR Find a conference buddy and divide and conquer the sessions and expo hall and then share notes, feedback and marketing materials. Alsosince its in Orlando in June (rainy season) pack an umbrella, and bring a neutral color sweater (our meeting rooms tend to be freezing).  Traci Deveau,  @Devoted2HR Look up from your conference book. Hard to meet people when you are face down, studying which session to attend next.  Download the app instead, plan your day ahead by planning not just which sessions, but which offer the right types of cert credits if you need them and also plan them based on proximity to each other no use stressing yourself out unnecessarily as if you are back in college trying to get back and forth between classes that are the opposite ends of the earth from each other.  Carrie Corbin,  @thealphafemme Pick the must have sessions but then leave room for time to connect have meaningful conversations with other pros. Use SHRMs ship home option for all books and swag you collect.  Josh Rock,  @JRock96 Push yourself out of your comfort zone. Dont just attend sessions that are within your normal sphere of influence at work. Attend at least a few that have nothing to do with your normal responsibilities so that you stretch yourself a little (i.e. dont just go to every legal update).   Jennifer Payne,  @JennyJensHR Social Media Follow the  #shrm14  hashtag and join the conversation. And then keep up on twitter all year long; not just when you are at a conference!   Robin Schooling,  @RobinSchooling Expo Floor Spend time on the expo floor making connections and looking at new solutions the swag is cool, but dont forget why youre there great information to take back with you to your organization.  Andi Deavers,  @thegirlinhr Pre-plan your days at SHRM with the  SHRM Session Planner  and don’t forget to leave enough time to visit the Exposition Hall choose your top 25  exhibitors  you want to check out, and don’t forget to pick up a s’more at the TalentWise Campground booth #665!  Karen Redetzki,  @Talentwise Partying Bring a Flask Matt Charney,  @mattcharney Take a photo of your hotel room door number so when your tipsy, you can find your way back.    Traci Deveau,  @Devoted2HR Dont pass out in the hotel lobby. You dont want to be that guy/gal.    Josh Rock,  @JRock96 Miscellaneous Get your coffee before heading to the convention center.  Matthew Stollak,  @akaBruno Make sure you stop by and meet the people at the bookstore. You might even run into an author there!   Jonathan Brewer,  @houseofbrew Sweater, flats, chapstick, ibuprofen, chargers, band-aids, deodorant and all the business cards!!!   Maren Hogan,  @marenhogan

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